PRC Household Registration



Please Note: The price shown above is the price per page. Please enter the total number of pages in the “Quantity” box.

All prices are shown in Canadian Dollar (CAD), and are tax-inclusive. Also included with the price is the service of editing/formatting, and no additional editing/formatting fee will be incurred.

Please place any order carefully, as the document sent to me must match the item on the receipt. Failure to do so within 24 hours after an order is placed will result in the order being voided, and the transaction fee will not be returned.

备注:以上价格为每页之价格 请于数额框内输入该文件之总页数

所有价格均以加拿大币 (CAD) 显示并已含税 且亦已包含排版服务 我司不会向贵方另行收取排版费

敬请贵方谨慎下单 若贵方在下单后二十四小时内未能将原始文书扫描件上传至我司 或原始文书与订单中描述的文书不符 订单将会失效 被交易软体和银行扣去的交易费则无法返还至贵处

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Please Note: The price shown above is the price per page. Please enter the total number of pages in the “Quantity” box.

All prices are shown in Canadian Dollar (CAD), and are tax-inclusive. Also included with the price is the service of editing/formatting, and no additional editing/formatting fee will be incurred.

Please place any order carefully, as the document sent to me must match the item on the receipt. Failure to do so within 24 hours after an order is placed will result in the order being voided, and the transaction fee will not be returned.

备注:以上价格为每页之价格 请于数额框内输入该文件之总页数

所有价格均以加拿大币 (CAD) 显示并已含税 且亦已包含排版服务 我司不会向贵方另行收取排版费

敬请贵方谨慎下单 若贵方在下单后二十四小时内未能将原始文书扫描件上传至我司 或原始文书与订单中描述的文书不符 订单将会失效 被交易软体和银行扣去的交易费则无法返还至贵处


Please Note: The price shown above is the price per page. Please enter the total number of pages in the “Quantity” box.

All prices are shown in Canadian Dollar (CAD), and are tax-inclusive. Also included with the price is the service of editing/formatting, and no additional editing/formatting fee will be incurred.

Please place any order carefully, as the document sent to me must match the item on the receipt. Failure to do so within 24 hours after an order is placed will result in the order being voided, and the transaction fee will not be returned.

备注:以上价格为每页之价格 请于数额框内输入该文件之总页数

所有价格均以加拿大币 (CAD) 显示并已含税 且亦已包含排版服务 我司不会向贵方另行收取排版费

敬请贵方谨慎下单 若贵方在下单后二十四小时内未能将原始文书扫描件上传至我司 或原始文书与订单中描述的文书不符 订单将会失效 被交易软体和银行扣去的交易费则无法返还至贵处