The Study of Perspective (1729)

視學弁言 年希堯




I had been paying attention to the study of perspective for a very long time, thinking about it extensively while working, but unable to figure anything out. Then I got to meet with Giuseppe Castiglione of the West on several occasions, and became able to serve my country using Western painting techniques. Ever since I learned the technique of linear perspective, I gained the ability to paint every shifting and moving object to the fullest extent.

Once a vanishing point is chosen, all objects would flow from it continuously. Nothing can be put into a place not of its own, even if it is only a millimetre in size. Then, all the points, lines, angles and shapes in an object should be drawn with the help of compasses and rulers while strictly adhering to the paper. The object would appear as if suspended in the air, with many of its surfaces exposed.

As to the sunlight or the candlelight, be it from afar or from an angle, bright or dim, shall create shadows according to the shapes of the objects. Regardless of whether a shadow is bent or straight, hidden or exposed, all would appear as expected. This applies to everything.

Objects originate from Nature, but are seen through the eye and put into the mind. I then realized that once an object is observed by the eye, the mind takes it as a reality. Today, an object is placed in a room. If it does not follow the law of linear perspective, one would get an eerie feeling as soon as one sees it. Does looking at a painting make any difference?

Yet, people from the olden days held their own theories about painting. They instructed us to look up at upturned eaves, then look deep down to see what is in a ravine. As a result, the eye rolls up and down without a single fixed view. Is this good enough to be called a study?

Some of them held theories similar to linear perspective, instructing us to see through space with one single view, so that all the diagonal lines in it can be observed. After all, this is still nothing like the important points clearly explained in this book. Therefore, I created illustrations in a progressive and orderly manner, and made the information widely known to those who share my interest about it. Hardworking artists would come to understand the laws of linear perspective, and paint realistic pictures of everything big and small, from mountain ranges down to flowers and insects.

Do not carelessly say that too much realism in art is awkward. If a picture does not look realistic enough, how could it be refined or artful?

Written by Nien Hsi-Yao at home during the phase of new moon in February 1729

乾隆花園 通景畫 寧壽宮花園

Amusement in the Mountains