Colour of Wheat

過河逢麥色 寒暖北南殊

因憶尤教喜 入詩兼可圖

未成風擺浪 已自露貫珠

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麥色一首 壬午仲春月上浣御筆

While crossing the river I encountered the colour of wheat, and the warm temperature in the South differed so greatly from the cold northern weather. The memory of such a sight is especially pleasant, and can be put into poems as well as pictures. Though the wheat field was still young and short, not yet able to dance or wave with the wind, the dewdrops on it showed up as clear as pearls. The continuity of life as pictured by the transformation between green and yellow definitely by far exceeds the sight of a completely green field.

The Colour of Wheat: a Poem

Written by His Imperial Majesty the Emperor in the early days of mid-spring during year 1762


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